Cambridge Management Services's Privacy Policy

At Cambridge Management Services, we respect our client’s privacy and implement all reasonable measures to safeguard any personal information entrusted to us.

Cambridge Management Services are required to maintain and collect information as regulated and governed by the following Legislation:
a. Strata Schemes Management Act 1996;
b. Strata Scheme Management Regulation 2010;
c. Community Land Management Act 1989;
d. Property Stock & Business Agents Regulations 2003;
e. Privacy Amendments Act 2000.

Our privacy principles apply primarily to the following areas:


Cambridge Management Services only collect and store individual’s personal information that is required by Legislation and necessary to undertake our duties as strata managing agents on behalf of schemes under management.

Use & Disclosure

We do not use or disclose personal information about an individual for any purpose other than the primary purpose for which the collection of the information pertained, unless the individual would reasonably expect Cambridge Management Services to use or disclose the information for another purpose.

Cambridge Management Services will not release any personal information to a third party, unless it is under the following circumstances:
1. Direct instructions from the individual;
2. As required by our statutory obligations as strata managing agents;
3. To fulfill legal obligation to make repairs to the common property;
4. Via legal instructions or orders.

To maintain security, Cambridge Management Services implement a high level of up-to-date computer security around our IT infrastructure, including firewalls, anti-virus & anti-spam soft/hardware.

If you believe there has been a breach of your private information held by Cambridge Management Services, please contact Cambridge Management Services on (08) 9355 5052.